Saturday, January 29, 2011

The days of the ordinary girl..

Yeah, that me... I've been feeling so cranky with someone... She's making me sick of all the things at school... She promised something but never attempt to fulfill it.. Urgh,, this girl's making me nuts... Gosh, why would there someone like her in this world.... She's bossy and likes to chat a lot... She told someone to close her mouth but she didn't do it... I hate chatterbox... I have to back off because of her... Gosh, I HATE HER SOOOO MUCH... I don't know why someone can be such a bighead like her...

It's been tough at school... I've to do everything that she says... I'm not your maid young lady.. I AM A HUMAN BEING... so stop treating me like i am a maid!

That's all for now.. i can't write anything while my head is boiling!!

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